Shaping peace


21 september 2020

3:00 – 4:00 PM CET

Livestreamed Online

The COVID-19 pandemic brought to the forefront some of the world’s most pressing issues. What do we want our societies to look like going forward? How can we live with more kindness, justice and peace?

“The 8th edition of the Geneva Peace Talks will be held on Monday 21 September 2020, the International Day of Peace. This year, the Geneva Peace Talks goes digital and will be livestreamed from Geneva.

The central theme for 2020 is Shaping Peace. In these unprecedented times of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Geneva Peace Talks aims to highlight our interconnectedness as what happens in one part of the planet impacts people around the world. The pandemic has unveiled deep systems of inequality, privilege, and injustice prevalent in societies around the world.

We are now challenged to reflect on how we can shape our world and what we want our new “normal” to look like. The Geneva Peace Talks is a public event brought to you by the United Nations Office at Geneva, Interpeace and the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform, the Swiss Government and Salesforce to celebrate the International Day of Peace.

The event will be livestreamed in English. Videos will be available with French subtitles shortly after the event.

Meet the people of the 2020 Geneva Peace Talks


Luís Figo


Ahmed Abdullahi

Canada - Somalia

Inua Ellams

Nigeria - United Kingdom

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