“I am today, trying to be the best ambassador I can for both Palestinian and Israeli heroes who step out of their comfort zones to build peace in one of the most conflicted region of the world. Because peace is the only way for them. Yet it’s so controversial. Striving to build it makes you sometimes a traitor. Yet it is the most patriotic thing to do. Their voices are not heard enough. And here is my message to all of you: Support them by being pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli change makers and peace builders. Rather than being just pro-Israel or pro-Palestine in doing so. In being pro solution, you will surely make a meaningful difference for those who you care about.”
Mehra Rimer is the Director of B8ofHope, a Swiss home for Israeli & Palestinian civil society initiatives bringing about a positive change. In her PeaceTalk, Mehra shares her personal story of how she became a peace advocate and talks about the important work she does today to support pro-Palestinian & pro- Israeli change-makers & peacebuilders.

Mehra Rimer was born in Iran. She emigrated to Switzerland in 1979 as a consequence of the Iranian revolution. Raised and educated in a Catholic boarding school in Lausanne, she is a graduate of The School of Interpreters and Translators at the University of Geneva and The Institute Of Oriental Languages and Civilizations in Paris. Mehra worked as a language teacher, free-lance translator and a training program coordinator for different schools, organizations and companies. She has been running B8 of Hope (B8 of Hope | Swiss home for Israeli and Palestinian civil society initiatives bringing about a positive change) on a full time and pro-bono basis since its creation in 2016.